Zen-thai shiatsu
Introducing you to Zen Thai Shiatsu in Melbourne.
It is something to be experienced rather than described.
A form of body therapy integrating elements from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Thai Massage, Osteopathic, and Shiatsu.
Through intentional movements, it taps into ancient wisdom, fostering a deeper sense of presence. Coupled with more traditional style of therapeutic oil massage which is optional.
Saskia's nurturing touch invites you into a realm of creativity, repair, and embodiment, guiding you towards holistic wellness and balance.
Saskia also offers Group and 1:1 Yoga classes in the Dandenong Rangers and in an around Melbourne.
Zenthai Shiatsu is a form of bodywork that helps to remove physical, mental, emotional and energy blockages that prevent greater range of motion and expansion in your life. Removing obstacles that may be deeply ingrained in the sub-conscious to create space for clarity, harmony, creativity and health.
Zen-thai can support physical and emotional pain such as but not limited to, lower back discomfort, tight hips, hormonal imbalances, migraine headaches, stiff neck, anxiety and those moving through grief or painful transitions.
Each session is different and tailored to your specific needs.
Zen-thai is conducted on the floor on a special mat where you body will be moved into different poses and stretches.
*If required cupping and Moxabustion is also used.
Many clients report unbelievable results from regular sessions especially related to physical and emotion pain
Saskia also offers
-Yoga Classes in the Dandenong Rangers and 1:1 Yoga sessions for clients desiring more mobility, strength and connection to self.
-Therapeutic oil massage for tired bodies focusing on relaxation.
“When we touch something with deep awareness, we touch everything.”
Do you desire more physical and/or emotional pain relief?
Are you experiencing stress within your relationships or work life balance?
Do you feel aches, strains of have chronic persistent imbalances and rarely get to relax?
Zenthai Shiatsu is a form of bodywork that helps to support physical, mental and emotional blockages that prevent greater range of motion and expansion in your life. Removing obstacles that may be deeply ingrained in the sub-conscious to create space for clarity, harmony, creativity and health. And, also just general health and wellness recovery.
Zen-Thai takes into consideration the whole body. A combination of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Thai Massage, Osteopathic techniques and Shiatsu.
When the body is out of balance everything else is effected. Especially our energy levels, relationships and work life.
All treatments are fully remote and come to you in The Dandenong Ranger, Yarra Valley, Olinda, Sassafrass and Bayswater area.
Couples massages are also available with advanced bookings.